The strap on this Saint Laurent College bag was torn, and the leather around the bottom corners and the edges of the flap was worn through. We replaced the strap and restored the damaged leather.
Showcasing our shoe and handbag repairs with before and after photos
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Yves Saint Laurent
The strap on this Saint Laurent College bag was torn, and the leather around the bottom corners and the edges of the flap was worn through. We replaced the strap and restored the damaged leather.
This Saint Laurent Sac De Jour bag was in great shape, except that the embossed branding on the front of the bag had faded. We repainted the logo by hand.
This YSL Muse bag was in serious need of a refurbishment, with the white patent leather yellowing and the softening of the leather around the bag causing it to lose its shape. We reshaped the bag before cleaning, conditioning and then recolouring the patent leather to black.
A leather loop at one end of the handle on this Yves Saint Laurent Large College Bag was torn, leaving the handle unusable. We repaired and reinforced the leather loop.
The leather uppers on these Saint Laurent western boots were tearing around the sides of the wearer’s toes, where the boots tended to bend. We repaired the leather, sealing up with the lining with leather patches and then using a leather filler to repair the gaps in the outer leather.
This Yves Saint Laurent bag was manufactured to a high-quality standard, but its zipper came to break. As the zipper was irreparable, we proceeded to custom prepare a replacement zipper and securely attach it to the bag.
This accordion sides on this Yves Saint Laurent Sac De Jour handbag had become scratched and discoloured due to wear and tear, including friction with the weighty attached padlock. We clean and conditioned the leather before recolouring / refinishing it.